Bring me a higher function, whoa-oh

List manipulation is a foundation of programming, and filtering is one of the pillars. Use cases are widespread, from removing outliers from a dataset to applying filters from user interactions. When a list of criteria gets large, however, the code used for these filters can get unruly.

By using and writing higher-order functions, you can write, combine, and manipulate criteria while keeping your JavaScript readable, maintainable, and DRY.

Meetup details
LOCATION Spredfast (200 West Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78701, 3rd Floor)
(Check back here or on Twitter for updates.)

Afterwards, the discussion carries on at Lavaca Street Bar (405 Lavaca Street, Austin, TX 78701).


Adam Giese

Adam Giese

Software Engineer at Under Armour, Connected Fitness


Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Cloudflare Austin. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!

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