Rachel is an experimental designer and video-game historian who hacks electronic artifacts to create alternate, cuter visions of computer and video game history. She currently works as a technical evangelist at Microsoft. In addition, she heads up FEMICOM Museum and helps run numerous indie game events in Austin, including Fantastic Arcade, Juegos Rancheros, and Arcade of Anything.
Making old electronics new again ...with JavaScript!
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to fresh start. We're kicking the year off in style with a great talk from Rachel Weil!
Rachel will share a selection of personal projects that bring vintage electronics into the 21st century with Node.js and hobbyist microcontrollers. She’ll also cover some of the basic tools and approaches to getting started with refurbishing, refitting, and reworking old game consoles, computers, and digital toys.

In other big news, Spredfast is now the official location for AustinJS! The Spredfast team has always been kind to share their ~*luxurious*~
downtown space with us, so we look forward to making more memories going forward. Thanks Spredfast!
Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by data.world. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!