Lightning Talks
Hey Austin Javascripters, this month's meetup is gonna bring that ~*~* variety *~*~
. Here are a few talks that we've got lined up already:
- @lawnsea: TCP Trix
- @kassandra_perch: NodeBots
- @elbenshira: ClojureScript and Om
- @WebDesserts: chroma.js and color manipulation
- @ClassicallyGeek and @pncifra: Google Polymer and Web Components
- maybe @aaronj1335 if there's time: If Underscore Was Written in ES6
We've still got some time though, so feel free to come with an idea, and we'll work everyone in!
Big thanks to our sponsors this month, The Bidding Network, a top-flight staffing firm based right here in Austin. If you enjoy the pizza and drinks, make sure to tell them thanks. And of course, if you’re looking for a job you should talk to them. You won’t find a better recruiter in Austin!