Garann is a JavaScript and front-end developer. She writes about web technologies and communities on her own blog as well as contributing articles to other technical publications, and is the author of “Node for Front-End Developers” from O’Reilly. She’s taught classes on many of the same topics she writes about, and sometimes organizes events for other developers.
Refactoring Big Apps
This month we'll be hearing from Garann Means about refactoring big apps!
It would be nice if developers could download a JavaScript framework, plug in the custom logic required for their particular problem, and have a functional, scalable, and reliable application. As any who's tried can probably tell you, however, it doesn't work like that. It doesn't matter if your application has 5000 "pages" or less than 50 — it will eventually become a large application in terms of code, because size of code is not just a measure of the complexity of the app itself, but of its maturity. If you've tried taking an app from a minimal set of functionality to something complex enough to cover all the edge cases, you've probably done some rewriting.
If you haven't, it's your lucky day! We'll talk about several of the ways you can almost guarantee a rewrite in your app's future. If, on the other hand, rewrites don't sound like that much fun to you, we'll also talk about how to avoid them or at least minimise the risk they present
IMPORTANT: Location changed to Mass Relevance at 8th and Brazos, just up the street.

AustinJS is sponsored this month by Mass Relevance, so if you enjoy a slice of pizza or a drink at the meetup then be sure to thank them. Better yet, if you’re a developer looking for a job, check out careers at Mass Relevance or chat with one of their engineers at the meetup.