Mikeal Rogers is one of those developers who needs very little introduction. Seriously. He gave me no info to post about whom he is! You may know him from his work at Mozilla, on CouchDB and most recently node including one of the most widely used modules, request.
Mikeal Rogers on Node
Coming in just on the heels of what is to be the JavaScript conference of the South, TXJS, Austin JavaScript has brought another out-of-town guest speaker to the June 2012 meetup.
Mikeal will be talking about node. That's all he told me. I foresee a rather bizarre presentation nonetheless. Word is it may involve Japanese cuisine.
Of course we will followup all of this up with our wildly crowd-pleasing roundtable of JavaScript-related questions. This is an open forum to present topics of discussion in a rapid-fire manner or simply heckle @joemccann.