Bradley is a Node.js user and has implemented es-harmony objects as a v8 extension. Runtime compilation and optimization are some of his passions along with his firm belief in JavaScript being a misunderstood language, even by many developers (including himself).
JavaScript Gaming
After a nice break and great happy hour sponsored by Tek Systems over December, Austin JavaScript is back in action with a great talk by the local node.js and JavaScript gaming phenom, Bradley Meck.
JavaScript gaming is becoming an even hotter topic as many game developers are moving away from Flash and more towards and "HTML5" framework for implementing games. Bradley will be discussing the state of game creation in JavaScript, some problems and solutions for developers wanting to create games and finally how to interact with Flash in order to obtain some valuable fallbacks. His presentation will also touch on some of the roadblocks and issues with multi-player games.
Of course we will followup his presentation with our wildly crowd-pleasing roundtable of JavaScript-related questions. This is an open forum to present topics of discussion in a rapid-fire manner or simply heckle @joemccann.