About us
We are a JavaScript community that meets regularly in Austin, Texas, to discuss a wide range of topics, including:
- The JavaScript language
- JavaScript application frameworks
- Server and client-side JavaScript
- JavaScript on other people's sites
- Testing
- DevOps
- Cryptography
- How CSS colors got their names
- JavaScript position openings
The group started back in 2009 and has been going strong ever since. For a taste of our rich history, take a peak at the meetup archives—they're full of videos and fascinating characters.
We typically meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month somewhere deep in the heart of Austin, Texas — typically downtown. We’ll have a speaker or two, open things up for questions and discussion, and then head to a nearby watering hole to continue the networking and the conversations.
We work hard to build a community of good natured and helpful people that treat each other with excellence. We’ve formalized what this means into our Code of Conduct.
Austin JavaScript is powered by <surprise> JavaScript! This website is kept humming by a great many spectacular moving parts. Here are but a few:
- Static site generator: Eleventy (11ty)
- Templating language: LiquidJS
- Image resizing/caching: @11ty/eleventy-img
- CSS framework: Bulma
- CSS preprocessor: Sass, node-sass
- Icons: Ionicons
- Cleanup and minification: PurgeCSS, HTMLMinifier
- JavaScript linting: ESLint, Airbnb config
- Markdown linting: MarkdownLint
- Source code versioning, CI/CD, web site hosting: GitHub