Charles has been delivering bullet-proof software for over 18 years. An avid contributor to open source, he founded the Frontside in 2005 to help businesses deliver game-changing user interfaces to their customers. Also, he really, really, really, really likes to code. Really.
The Rise of Structured Concurrency
Rule 1. Highly concurrent programs are hard.
Rule 2. Every non-trivial program is highly concurrent.
JavaScript gives us some primitives to express asynchrony like promises, and async functions, but unfortunately they do not guarantee correctness. In fact far from it. Most async code is full of edge-cases and foot guns that never reveal themselves until you’re at scale. In this talk, we’ll put names to all these edge-cases and footguns so that you can recognize them instantly when they happen to you. After showing the ills, we’ll talk about the the cure: an exciting new way of thinking about our programs called Structured Concurrency. Language communities from Go, and Rust to Swift and Java, are all ablaze with talk of it, so whether you’ve explored this topic before or this is the first you’ve heard of it, you won’t want to miss this talk, because in ten years time, it will be the norm and we’ll all wonder how we ever did without it.

Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Cloudflare Austin. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!