Gamer. Catparent. They/them. NodeBots author/addict. Punster. EE Dropout/Self-Study. a.k.a @ATX-Sabine
Web Assembly: What it Is, Why you should care, and what it means for JS
Let's talk about a five-year-old tech like it's brand new; which is really what WebAssembly is; it's been around for years but we're only just starting to discover what it can do and how to use it. Kas can say with no hyperbole that this is the next Ajax in terms of importance to browser applications, and in this talk they'll explain why a multi-language web doesn't spell the end of JavaScript but rather a Renaissance for the web.

Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Cloudflare Austin. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!