Marie is a native Houstonian, Marie has recently returned to the homeland after a three-year stint in San Francisco, where she consistently got into arguments by insisting that tacos are superior in every way to burritos. Marie is passionate about creating inclusive spaces, building empathetic and elegant software, learning new things, and turning herself into emojis and cardboard cutouts.
An Event-ful Evening with JavaScript
Handling events like clicks and keypresses as users interact with your content is essential for any web app. Learn the fundamentals of how events work in JavaScript, including:
- an introduction to the DOM Event specification
- how to attach event listeners (there's so many ways!)
- how event propagation works, what "bubbling" and "capturing" mean, and why you should care
- the differences between preventDefault, stopPropagation, and return false (and when you should use each one!)
Whether you're just learning JavaScript or are an experienced front-end developer, you'll walk away with a deeper familiarity with events. You'll be able to implement event listeners with confidence and debug with clarity!
This talk is adapted from an Ember.js-specific talk, Deep Dive on Ember Events.

Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Indeed. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!