Benjamin Coe was npm’s third employee and currently leads npm On-Site, npm’s registry product for enterprises. Ben is a core contributor to yargs, node-redis, and nyc; is passionate about open-source-software; and loves working to bring these best practices to the enterprise.
Bringing Open-Source Practices to Your Day Job
We're not in our usual location!: We'll be meeting at Spredfast this month in the Silicon Labs Building on Colorado/Cesar Chavez (map).
Hey everyone, we're excited about February 17, 2016 because Benjamin Coe is going to come talk about Bringing Open-Source Practices to Your Day Job.
We've got food and beverages this month thanks to Front End Development at IBM. If you'd like to hear more about what they're working on, feel free to reach out to [email protected] or check out the Feducation event they're doing with General Assembly.

Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by IBM Design. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.