javascript, ruby, vim, tmux, tacos, lulz. Web Client Team Lead working on healthcare price transparency.
All-React Extravaganza
Webster's Dictionary defines "extravaganza" as:
a very large and exciting show or event
And nothing says exciting like JavaScript frameworksssssss!

Ok, calm down for a second so I can tell you what's going on here. Tim Tyrrell and Travis Swicegood are going to tell us about ReactJS, Flux, and that sort of stuff. Tim will kick it off live-coding with React, and then Travis will give a whirlwind tour of Flux and how it fits into the ecosystem we all love.
We won't dive too deep since we haven't covered React at AustinJS yet, but stay tuned for news about a new meetup you might be into!
Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Main Street Hub. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.