Charles has been delivering bullet-proof software for over 18 years. An avid contributor to open source, he founded the Frontside in 2005 to help businesses deliver game-changing user interfaces to their customers. Also, he really, really, really, really likes to code. Really.
on('input'): Dealing With Data From Your User In Real-time
As the saying goes, "April showers bring May showers." They also bring you another JavaScript meetup! Local markup slinger Charles Lowell will be giving a talk titled "on('input')
: dealing with data from your user in real-time… as in like forms, actually."
Dealing with forms in a stateful UI can be a nightmare. While most of the major frameworks focus on their hot new rendering hotness, they uniformly pass the buck when it comes to handling user input. More often than not, you’re on your own, armed with nothing but callbacks when it comes to the complexities of wrangling networks of textfields, checkboxes and other custom components into robust, valid data structures that the rest of your app can use. In this talk, we’ll explore how to bring just a little more sanity to our forms by looking for help in an unlikely place: those same advances in rendering that have pushed the state of the art so far forward these past few years.

Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by uShip. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.