Charles has been delivering bullet-proof software for over 18 years. An avid contributor to open source, he founded the Frontside in 2005 to help businesses deliver game-changing user interfaces to their customers. Also, he really, really, really, really likes to code. Really.
The Power of M + Web Components
Hold on to your butts, it's AustinJS time. Not only will we hear from local hero Charles Lowell (@cowboyd) about "The Power of M," but we're also hosting a special guest from Google that will tell us about the future of the web platform, web components!
Whether you're using a full fledged MVC framework. or just spicing up your UX with a single special interaction, it's the "M" and only the "M" that is the key creating powerful user experiences. To demonstrate this principle in action, we'll first create an in-memory model of what a color is, and then use it to build an interactive 3D color chooser. Sound hard? Not when we harness the Power of M. In this talk, we'll track the building of an interactive, 3D color chooser that contains interactive visualizations of both the RGB Space (a cube), and the HSL Space (a cylinder).
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Web components are an important part of the future of the web, so when we heard that Rob Dodson (@rob_dodson) was going to be in town, we invited him to come tell us more about them. Rob is a Google developer advocate that specializes in this area, so we're looking forward to learning from him about web components and Google's polyfill/framework Polymer.

AustinJS is sponsored this month by the web chefs over at Four Kitchens. Be sure to let them know you appreciate their support, and if you’re a developer looking for a job, check out careers at Four Kitchens or chat with one of their engineers at the meetup.