Rebecca Murphey is a JavaScript application developer and a frequent speaker on the topic of code organization and best practices at events around the world. She authored the learning site jQuery Fundamentals, contributed to the jQuery Cookbook from O’Reilly Media, served as a technical reviewer for David Herman’s Effective JavaScript, and created the TXJS conference. She has also created and contributed to several open-source projects. She was instrumental in getting deferreds and promises introduced to jQuery 1.5; she created the js-assessment project, a test-driven tool for assessing a developer’s JavaScript skills; and she contributed key modules to the Johnny Five library for using JavaScript to interact with Arduinos.
Writing Testable Code
It's June. It's getting hot and we all need a little more JavaScript in our lives. Well, enjoy the air conditioned comfort of Austin JS on June 18th with a talk from JavaScript SuperStar Rebecca Murphey.
It's one thing to write the code you need to write to get something working; it's another thing to write the code you need to write if you want to be able to prove that it works — and that it keeps working as you refactor and add new features. In this talk, we'll look at what it means to write testable JavaScript code.
Of course we will followup all of this up with our wildly crowd-pleasing roundtable of JavaScript-related questions. This is an open forum to present topics of discussion in a rapid-fire manner or simply heckle @slexaxton!

This month’s awesome sponsor is the XO Group, Inc. Be sure to thank them for the drinks and pizza, or talk to them about some job opportunities! You can also email Shaun if you are interested in working there.