Johnathan Hebert (@johnathanhebert) is the lead JavaScript developer for Evernote in Austin. He spends his days writing Skitch for Windows 8 and browsers, and loves to learn all the latest and greatest stuff that can be done with JavaScript.
Writing Windows Store Apps with JavaScript
Post ACL weekend here in Austin, we will be having the last installment of Austin JS for 2012. Sad Panda, indeed. This month, we have another local JavaScript expert chatting up Windows 8!
Jonathan Hebert's talk will be about writing Windows Store Apps with JavaScript, including:
- How to use the Windows Runtime from JavaScript
- The WinJS libraries
- Async programming with promises
- Re-using your Windows Store App code in a browser
- Avoiding gotchas in the Windows Store App process
Of course we will followup all of this up with our wildly crowd-pleasing roundtable of JavaScript-related questions. This is an open forum to present topics of discussion in a rapid-fire manner or simply heckle @joemccann. Oh wait! He Hebert's not gonna be there. Guess you Hebert'll have to heckle guest host, @slexaxton!


Austin JavaScript is sponsored this month by Rapid7. Please thank them for their gracious gifts of pizza and drinks and for their support of the local JavaScript community.Ask them about their job opportunities!