About us

We are a JavaScript community that meets regularly in Austin, Texas, to discuss a wide range of topics, including:

  • The JavaScript language
  • JavaScript application frameworks
  • Server and client-side JavaScript
  • JavaScript on other people's sites
  • Testing
  • DevOps
  • Cryptography
  • How CSS colors got their names
  • JavaScript position openings

The group started back in 2009 and has been going strong ever since. For a taste of our rich history, take a peak at the meetup archives—they're full of videos and fascinating characters.


We typically meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month somewhere deep in the heart of Austin, Texas — typically downtown. We’ll have a speaker or two, open things up for questions and discussion, and then head to a nearby watering hole to continue the networking and the conversations.


We work hard to build a community of good natured and helpful people that treat each other with excellence. We’ve formalized what this means into our Code of Conduct.


Austin JavaScript is powered by <surprise> JavaScript! This website is kept humming by a great many spectacular moving parts. Here are but a few:


Austin JavaScript is made possible by the goodwill and hard work of a great many people. Please reach out to the following folks if you have any questions or want to get more involved.

Kevin Kipp

Kevin Kipp

Joah Gerstenberg

Joah Gerstenberg

Suzanne Rozier

Suzanne Rozier

Collier King

Collier King

Dylan Briar

Dylan Briar


These past leaders helped make Austin JavaScript what it is today.

Joe McCann

Joe McCann

Alex Sexton

Alex Sexton

Rebecca Murphey

Rebecca Murphey

Lon Ingram

Lon Ingram

Aaron Stacy

Aaron Stacy

Andrew Levine

Andrew Levine

Patrick Costanzo

Patrick Costanzo

Fred Guest

Fred Guest

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